Most motorists know the feeling of slowly driving behind a bicyclist on the road and wondering, “what does this guy think he is doing? Get off the road!” Well, I have some bad news: that bicyclist may have a legal right to slow you down by riding on the road.
It may surprise some to know that bicyclists have mostly the same rules, rights, and responsibilities as motor vehicles. In Missouri, bicycles and motorized bicycles may ride on any street except the travel lanes of highways or where otherwise restricted by law. Motorists my not do anything that endangers a bicyclist, pedestrian, or other motorist.
Motorists must treat bicycles as any other vehicle.
Bicyclists are generally expected to move to the right of travel lanes. They do not, however, have to ride on the sidewalk, curb, or on an obstructed shoulder lane.
If the lane is too narrow to safely share between a bicycle and a motor vehicle, the bicycle may move towards the center of the lane to discourage motor vehicles from squeezing past them. Motorists must slowly wait behind bicyclists riding this way until either it is safe to pass or until the bicyclist cane exit the road.
Bicyclists may sometimes ride the shoulder of the road, when available. But they are not required to do so. Obstacles in the shoulder may cause the bicyclist to ride on the road. Drivers must allow them to do so.
Bicycle lanes may not be blocked or used for parking. Motorists must signal and yield to any bicyclists in the lane before crossing the bicycle lane. As with shoulders, bicyclists may leave the bike lane for any number of reasons, including debris, obstacles, or to prepare for a turn.
RSMO 304.678 defines the distance to be maintained when overtaking a bicycle. The operator of a motor vehicle overtaking a bicycle proceeding in the same direction on the roadway, as defined in section 300.010, shall leave a safe distance, when passing the bicycle, and shall maintain clearance until safely past the overtaken bicycle.
*All information above taken from St. Louis County Policy Department, and the Missouri Drive Guide, January 2003 Edition, Chapters 4, and 7, and RSMO 304.678. A summary of the Missouri State Statutes that go over bicycling can be found in RSMO 300.330, RSMO 300.410, RSMO 304.012, RSMO 307.190, RSMO 307.191, and RSMO 307.678.
