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Coronavirus Stay Home Order

People have been asking me how the Stay Home Order issued by St. Louis City and St. Louis County may impact their rights and jobs. These...

What is the egg-shell plaintiff rule?

Insurance companies often try to mitigate their financial liability for accidents by saying that the plaintiff’s injuries were...

Issues With Causation of Injuries

Missouri law has a very broad view of the causation needed for personal injury cases. An injury need not be solely caused by the accident...

An Example of How MedPay Works

Here's an example of how I would typically utilize medpay. Hypothetically, Third Party Settlement: $15,000 First Party MedPay: $5,000...

How long do I have to file a lawsuit?

In Missouri you have five years to file a lawsuit on a personal injury case. If filing a claim against a governmental entity, this period...

How do medical liens work?

Wimpy Wellington’s famous catch line “I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today” perfectly illustrates how lawyers and medical...


If you suffer scarring from your accident, you should know the basics on how they are valued by the insurance company. Scars that do not...

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